According to CSSC:
The Council for Six Sigma Certification serves as an Official Industry Standard of Six Sigma Accreditation for Six Sigma training providers worldwide who choose to join together behind our standardization after disclosing their internal operations. We are a professional accrediting body within the Six Sigma industry with affiliates that sell training, mentoring, coaching, or consulting services in many categories.
Our objective is to ensure that Six Sigma Certified individuals have been exposed to the complete Six Sigma Body of Knowledge and have been required to meet a minimum standard of proficiency for six sigma and its implementation. This is achieved by requiring all training and/or certification providers to meet specific criteria in not only their education requirements, but also in their testing requirements. Our accredited training providers are rigorously reviewed to ensure that they meet an extensive checklist of compliance. Once approved, accredited providers are monitored to determine if the program has been altered, a new instructor is introduced, or a certification requirement is modified.
If you have already attended training with us at Lean Alaska, let us know if you would like to prepare to take the CSSC Examination Certification and we would be more than happy to mentor you through that process.